Toonami is proud to announce the newest anime series created in partnership with Production IG USA. Uzumaki, a four episode mini-series based on the supernatural horror manga by legendary author Junji Ito, will premiere on Toonami in 2020!

r/Toonami: The Toonami Subreddit! Saturdays @ 12:00 AM only on Adult Swim! Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Log in sign up. User account menu. 59 [Official Toonami Discussion Thread for November 09, 2019] Live. Close. 59. Posted by. Shitposter on Command . 7 months ago. Archived [Official Toonami Discussion Thread for November 09 Toonami est une chaîne de télévision française lancée le 11 février 2016 et appartenant au groupe Turner Broadcasting System France. La chaîne diffuse des dessins animés de super-héros et japonais. Histoire. En France, Toonami a d'abord été une émission diffusé sur Cartoon Network dès 2002 les jeudis soirs. 09/11/2019 02/11/2019 r/Toonami: The Toonami Subreddit! Saturdays @ 11:00 PM only on Adult Swim! Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. r/Toonami. log in sign up. User account menu. 131. Toonami Lineup Promo - 2019 in 2002 [Toonami 7th Anniversary] Close. 131. Posted by . u/infamoustakai. It takes an idiot to do cool things, that's why it's cool. 5 months ago Toonami is proud to announce the newest anime series created in partnership with Production IG USA. Uzumaki, a four episode mini-series based on the supernatural horror manga by legendary author Junji Ito, will premiere on Toonami in 2020! Toonami will definitely expand as a block by at least an hour next year and I think there might be a chance that Adult Swim might start airing anime on weekdays again once they lose more FOX reruns in the next two years. Personally, I think Toonami will be mostly a Saturday thing for now, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of airing reruns or acquiring older popular anime from the ASA era


13/02/2016 Il sera réalisé par Production I.G et sera diffusé sur Toonami et en streaming sur Crunchyroll en 2021. Lisez la suite pour en savoir plus ! Lisez la suite pour en savoir plus ! Roku provides the simplest way to stream entertainment to your TV. On your terms. With thousands of available channels to choose from. Roku propose la façon la plus simple de regarder la télé en streaming. Et c'est vous qui décidez. Accédez à plus de 100,000 films et séries télé sur des chaînes gratuites et payantes.

Toonami FR. 60K likes. La chaîne des super-héros. Disponible chez Canal (canal 164), Orange (canal 96), SFR (canal 131), Free (canal 154), Bouygues (canal 104), Numericable (canal 210) et Molotov.

En regardant Toonami TV en direct, les petits garçons comme les petites filles vont pouvoir s’évader à la sortie de l’école ou le week-end quand la météo les incitera à s’installer sur leurs canapés ! D’autres oeuvres sont capables de leur faire passer d’excellents moments à l’instar de Dragon Ball super, Vixen, My Hero Academia ou encore Les Jeunes Titans. Puisque Roku provides the simplest way to stream entertainment to your TV. On your terms. With thousands of available channels to choose from.